Wearable Health Benefits Depend on Software

Wearable Health Benefits Depend on Software

The potential benefits of the “quantified person” are huge, making it possible to improve diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of all sorts of diseases and chronic conditions. One of the biggest barriers to realizing these gains, however, are the...
CES 2015: The Eyes Have It [video]

CES 2015: The Eyes Have It [video]

Stare at the period at the end of this sentence for a few seconds. Now, it may have seemed to you that your eyes were fixated on that spot, but in fact, your eyes continued to make tiny motions called “microsaccades.” These involuntary movements differ...
CES 2015: Software to Recognize Emotion

CES 2015: Software to Recognize Emotion

How are you feeling? Well, now there’s an app for that question. Actually, it’s not an app, but rather an API (Application Program Interface) that is being developed by a company named SensAura, based in Montreal, Quebec. The concept of the product is...