by Alfred Poor | February 5, 2015 | Enabling Tech, Medical
No, that is not a picture of Google Glass. (And no, Google Glass is not dead; the company has chosen to focus on enterprise applications instead of consumer uses.) It’s understandable if you made the mistake, however. The mainstream media has behaved for years...
by Alfred Poor | January 20, 2015 | Health, Medical
About ten years ago, a father in France wanted to take his baby’s temperature, but didn’t want to wake his child. From this experience arose the company Visiomed and the ThermoFlash non-contact thermometer. The company displayed their latest version of the...
by Alfred Poor | January 9, 2015 | Fitness, Health
One of the most important vital signs in clinical settings is the oxygen saturation level (SpO2) of a patient’s blood. It doesn’t matter if you’re breathing and your heart is beating if the oxygen isn’t getting to your blood and being...
by Alfred Poor | January 8, 2015 | Enabling Tech
We all know what “smart glasses” look like. They have a big prism hanging out in front like Google Glass, so that tech enthusiasts can wear them like a badge of honor. As a result, bystanders get concerned about being photographed and recorded, and wonder...
by Alfred Poor | December 22, 2014 | Enabling Tech
Next to heart rate and respiration, one of the most critical biometrics in healthcare is the blood-oxygen saturation level. This is a measure of how much oxygen is in the blood, and indirectly, how well the patient’s heart and lungs are working together. The...