by Kimberly Houston | January 17, 2018 | General News, Medical
Nearly all fitness trackers and smart watches track heart rate, with serious athletes and weekend warriors alike using them to train. Turns out, there’s much more some wearable devices can do when it comes to heart health, including saving lives. Atrial fibrillation...
by Alfred Poor | August 21, 2017 | General News, Health
Millions of people worldwide suffer from some level of hearing impairment, from minor to profound. Digital hearing aids can do wonders for helping people hear the sounds around them — and block out the ones that they don’t want to hear — but these...
by Alfred Poor | June 20, 2017 | General News, Medical
Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is one of the most common forms of irregular heart rhythms, and it can lead to stroke and even death. It generally can be managed or even corrected, but as many as one third of the people with the condition are not aware that they have it,...
by Alfred Poor | May 12, 2017 | General News, Medical
Sensors are an essential part of a wearable Health Tech device, creating the data that is used to provide meaningful results for the wearer. The real work, however, is done by sophisticated algorithms that can extract meaning from noisy data sets, singling out the...
by Alfred Poor | January 31, 2017 | Enabling Tech, General News
Two of the big themes for wearable Health Tech these days are accuracy and lower power. Companies are raising the bar higher and higher on what is acceptable accuracy for wearable devices. And users want devices that last longer between charges, but at the same time...