by Bruce Brown | October 19, 2017 | General News, Health
Do you really want to know how you and a significant other match up genetically? How concerned are you about learning ahead of time traits your offspring will likely express? If your answers to the previous questions are “Yes” and “Quite...
by Bruce Brown | September 29, 2017 | General News, Health
Heart rate variability (HRV) is a versatile and powerful biometric. Wearable health tech companies rushed to create HRV monitors in many form factors. We wrote about Emfit Limited’s Emfit QS that unrolls and claims to measure HRV accurately through your mattress while...
by Bruce Brown | July 5, 2017 | General News, Health
Women who are trying to get pregnant often find it difficult to determine their fertility windows. Tracking basal body temperature (BBT) is a common method of predicting ovulation. The traditional way to track cycles by taking the woman’s temperature when she...
by Alfred Poor | May 8, 2017 | General News, Medical
Healthcare workers in underdeveloped regions struggle to diagnose and treat even basic illnesses and conditions. One prime example is pneumonia, which is the leading cause of death for children under the age of 5 years old. Doctors and healthcare workers in poor areas...
by Alfred Poor | April 17, 2017 | General News, Health, Medical
It sounds tempting: a watch that can monitor and record multiple biometric and environmental measures including electrocardiogram (ECG), heart rate, skin electrical activity, and motion. It runs for up to a week on a single charge. It stores enough data for a week or...