New 3D Ink Mimics Human Skin

New 3D Ink Mimics Human Skin

Flexible electronics have had a seismic impact on the world of wearables: body-contouring patches, devices with stretchable sensors, and implantable electronics of all kinds. But all share one impediment: integration with the human body. As wondrous as these pliable...
Simple Smartwatch Can Detect Weak Heart Pump [video]

Simple Smartwatch Can Detect Weak Heart Pump [video]

If you’ve had an electrocardiogram (ECG) in a clinical setting, a technician most likely attached 10 electrodes to your chest and limbs. That array of electrodes is the standard setup for a 12-lead ECG. The numbers are different which can be confusing, but in...
New Smart Skin Lets You Sweat

New Smart Skin Lets You Sweat

Have you every worn a pair of rubber gloves to complete a task on a hot summer day? The gloves may stay dry on the outside, but in a short time the insides will be sopping wet because your hands sweat in the heat. And that liquid has no place to go because it’s...