Electronic Glasses Improve Visual Independence

Electronic Glasses Improve Visual Independence

People with impaired vision lose more than their visual acuity. The loss of independence can lead to changin their place of residence and requiring assistance with certain everyday tasks. We wrote about NuEyes in 2016, a lightweight wearable headset that projects...
IoT Supports Patient Prescription Adherence

IoT Supports Patient Prescription Adherence

Patient adherence to medication regimens can mean the difference between complete recovery and living with lingering poor health and additional complications related to the original condition. We’ve written about smart pillboxes and pill packs designed to help...
UK Engineers 3D Print  Bionic Hand in 10 Hours

UK Engineers 3D Print Bionic Hand in 10 Hours

Using 3D printing to create prosthetics is nothing new. We’ve written about Open Bionics’ low-cost 3d printed bionic arms, the U.K. National Health Service’s program for free 3D printed prosthetic hands, and more. These tend to be mechanical devices,...
Glasses Compensate for Lost Vision [video]

Glasses Compensate for Lost Vision [video]

Macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and other visual impairment conditions can severely limit a person’s ability to live independently and to participate in accustomed activities. We’ve written about several technologies for the visually...