Smartphone Pathogen Test Device

Smartphone Pathogen Test Device

Does the idea of attending an arena-sized concert with 50,000 other fans sound scary right now? Heading out to enjoy your favorite megastar is just a fantasy at the moment. But what if there was a way to test everyone for COVID-19 quickly, before they enter the venue?...
3D Printed Microscope [video]

3D Printed Microscope [video]

New 3D-printed devices continue to amaze us. The earliest 3-D printed medical devices were rudimentary prosthetics. More recent (and mind-blowing) applications include living skin complete with blood vessels developed at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Center for...
FDA OKs Digital Attention Treatment Game for ADHD

FDA OKs Digital Attention Treatment Game for ADHD

UPDATE June 22, 2020: Last week, the FDA cleared a prescription-only version of the game, EndeavorRx. This marks the first time that a game-based digital therapeutic has been cleared by the agency. The FDA issued the COVID-19 Enforcement Policy for Digital Health...
Brain-Computer Interface Restores Touch [video]

Brain-Computer Interface Restores Touch [video]

Researchers at Battelle and The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center published a study that documented a brain-computer interface (BCI) breakthrough. We’ve written about BCI multiple in multiple articles. Most of the research with BCI centers on training...
Woven T-Shirt Sensors Monitor Vital Signs

Woven T-Shirt Sensors Monitor Vital Signs

Smart fabrics may change the way we dress. In the future, apparel manufacturers may be able to incorporate any digital health wearable function in their garments (with the possible exception of displays). Smart fabric is a familiar topic. We wrote about work at The...