Hi-Tech Sticker Monitors UV Exposure [video]

Hi-Tech Sticker Monitors UV Exposure [video]

Humans need vitamin D for a long list of benefits including healthy bones and even preventing some forms of cancer. Sun exposure remains the best source of vitamin D. Unfortunately, according to the American Cancer Society, too much exposure to the sun can contribute...
Supercapacitors Printed by Inkjet

Supercapacitors Printed by Inkjet

How do you power a wearable device? Most of them require electricity, which must be stored so that it is available when needed. But batteries are problematic. They can be bulky, rigid, and filled with messy liquids that can cause trouble if they leak. One promising...
Position Available

Position Available

More than you wanted to know aboutthe position of Technology Writer, Health Tech Insider UPDATED 2/28/2023 Dear Prospective Writer; This open letter describes some of the details about an available freelance writing position for Health Tech Insider, a website with...