2020 Games for Change Gamifies Health Apps

2020 Games for Change Gamifies Health Apps

Games for Change will hold its 17th annual festival for the gaming and social impact community this year July 14 to July 16. The organization is based in New York but don’t rush to buy airline tickets to the event, because Games for Change2020 will be the...
Smart Glasses for the Vision-Impaired [video]

Smart Glasses for the Vision-Impaired [video]

One of the miracles of digital technology is that devices can help compensate for many physical impairments. These can restore an individual’s independence and confidence to perform daily activities without assistance. I remember working with visually-impaired...
AI Scores Again with Improved Colonoscopies

AI Scores Again with Improved Colonoscopies

In a perfect world, we wouldn’t need to know about colonoscopies, let alone endure them. Periodic colonoscopies are a necessary component of preventative health care, however, so any technology that results in more effective exams is a win. Enter artificial...