by Bruce Brown | December 26, 2017 | General News, Medical
How do you recognize true pioneers? They’re the ones with arrows in their backs. Early tech adopters fully expect glitches, bugs, and even the occasional failure or system reboot. Innovative medical tech doesn’t work like that, thank goodness. After...
by Bruce Brown | December 25, 2017 | Enabling Tech, General News, Medical
As anyone who takes multiple medications knows, keeping track of how many, how often, and when to take various pills can be a pain. Without a system, taking pills as needed and keeping prescriptions filled require close attention. Providence, Rhode Island-based Vitae...
by Bruce Brown | December 19, 2017 | General News, Medical
A recent study published in the American Journal of Medical Quality promotes gameplaying for nurses and health techs. The study argues that smartphone game apps can save potentially thousands of lives and billions of dollars annually. The dramatic outcomes occur by...
by Bruce Brown | December 15, 2017 | General News, Medical
Connected healthcare just edged onto a new tech platform: the first health-related voice assistant apps. Amazon’s Echo family of devices offers a rapidly-growing range of task-specific voice apps for its “Alexa” assistant, which are called...
by Bruce Brown | December 14, 2017 | General News, Medical
Telemedicine’s new-kid-on-the-block status as a healthcare service delivery mode sounds like a perfect solution for a rapidly growing number of diseases, health conditions, and patient circumstances. Without broad stakeholder acknowledgment, support, and...
by Bruce Brown | December 13, 2017 | General News, Medical
Health tech devices and software aren’t developing in a vacuum. Big data analytics and artificial intelligence including machine learning significantly boost the potential healthcare improvement with sensor-based technology. Voice analysis of huge sample sets,...