Another Risk for Health Tech Devices

Another Risk for Health Tech Devices

An article in Tech Cheat Sheet asks the question “Do Flaws in Technology Make Medicine Less Safe?” The author examines the growing use of electronic health records (EHR) and their potential role in errors in diagnosis or treatment. While they are intended...
Updated Apple Watch May Miss a Beat

Updated Apple Watch May Miss a Beat

There’s a saying in software development that the smallest code changes are often the most expensive; a little change can have unintended consequences elsewhere. It appears that Apple may have provided another demonstration of this lesson with its first upgrade...
Bounty for Chronic Care Management

Bounty for Chronic Care Management

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” That’s the idea behind Medicare’s reimbursement for chronic care management (CCM), including non face-to-face services. The concept is that improved patient adherence to treatment instructions...
Eyeglasses as Wearable Health Tech [video]

Eyeglasses as Wearable Health Tech [video]

According to Global Eyesight Now, six out of 10 people in the world wear glasses or corrective lenses (or have had corrective surgery). For the majority of these people their days start by putting on a pair of glasses and end by taking them off. VSP Global is one of...