Powered Glove Helps Stroke Victims [video]

Powered Glove Helps Stroke Victims [video]

Among the many miracles that many people take for granted, the human hand may rank near the top. Most of use use our hands thousands of times a day, often without even thinking about it. But when you lose the use of a hand, simple tasks such as brushing your teeth or...
Eye Tracking Reveals Health Issues [video]

Eye Tracking Reveals Health Issues [video]

Tracking the movements of a person’s eyes has all sorts of potential applications. It can be the basis for a user interface, such as for adaptive applications where a person might not be able to use their hands. It can be used to detect what people find to be...
Bragi Shifts Focus to Hearable Reference Designs

Bragi Shifts Focus to Hearable Reference Designs

On June 2, 1897, The New York Journal published a response to a query from its English correspondent to Samuel Clemens about the writer’s health. Clemens, over the signature of his pen name Mark Twain, replied in part, “The report of my death was an...
Smart PJs to Reveal Why You Can’t Sleep [video]

Smart PJs to Reveal Why You Can’t Sleep [video]

It’s easy for strivers to blow off inadequate sleep in pursuit of their goals, but people are paying increased attention to the harmful effects of long-term sleep deprivation. Many wearable devices measure sleep, reporting time spent in various sleep stages and...
Take a Closer Look at Smart Glasses

Take a Closer Look at Smart Glasses

Smart glasses haven’t had much impact on the consumer market so far. Google Glass didn’t take hold with consumers (but that wasn’t their goal). Virtual reality (VR) headsets get more media coverage, where they are marketed mainly to the gaming...