FDA Approves NeuroStim for Adolescent IBS

FDA Approves NeuroStim for Adolescent IBS

In the past five years, we’ve observed a variety of neurostimulation applications to reduce pain. We’ve written about neurostimulation used with patients with migraine, depression, diabetic nerve damage detection, back pain, opioid withdrawal, and more....
Wireless Stethoscope with AI Gets CE Certification

Wireless Stethoscope with AI Gets CE Certification

Another tech company has joined the hunt for AI algorithm-driven cough-analysis. Since early 2016 we’ve covered Australian-based ResApp Health’s smartphone-only product that captures a more complete sound frequency range when a cough exits a...
Garmin Partners with Blue365 for Fitness

Garmin Partners with Blue365 for Fitness

One of my recurring themes is that the focus of health and fitness tracking is rapidly shifting from personal choice to employers, insurers, and healthcare systems. This change is driven by the fact that these corporate entities are the ones that stand to benefit...
AR Guides Impaired Vision City Visitors

AR Guides Impaired Vision City Visitors

Augmented reality (AR) is one of the more successful technologies applied to health and medical applications. Virtual reality in its current state is costly, location limited, plus it makes people dependent and occasionally nauseous. AR is an additive technology, with...
Social Community Supports Healthy Lifestyles

Social Community Supports Healthy Lifestyles

Whether you mark the beginning of social media with MySpace (2003) or Twitter (2006), the societal influence wielded by today’s powerful online communities has been around for less than two decades. We don’t write about social media on Health Tech Insider...