App Unites Data from Multiple Brands [video]

App Unites Data from Multiple Brands [video]

As the type and choices of wearable health tech devices proliferate, consumers face a choice of buying from a variety of brands for tracking different biomarkers or sticking with one brand. The latter choice can be limiting, especially with smaller companies that only...
Self-Powered Implant Needs No Batteries

Self-Powered Implant Needs No Batteries

Do you remember elementary school science lessons where you’d rub a balloon on your head and your hair would stand up? Or rub a plastic comb with a piece of wool and it would attract little slips of paper? Or maybe you’ve received a painful shock in the...
Smart Helmet Monitors Head Impacts

Smart Helmet Monitors Head Impacts

Many people work in potentially dangerous environments, such as construction, where falling objects or swinging machinery can cause serious injury. This is especially true when there is a blow to the head, which can lead to concussion and other impairments. First...