Using Bacteria to Create Graphene

Using Bacteria to Create Graphene

Graphene is an engineer’s wonder material. Graphene is a unique nanomaterial with exceptional flexibility and strength. Almost transparent in thin layers, graphene is about 100 times stronger than the strongest steel. Its ability to conduct electricity makes...
Jedi Prosthetic with a Sense of Touch

Jedi Prosthetic with a Sense of Touch

Robotic prosthetic arms and hands can make dramatic differences in the lives of those who use them. We’ve written about a range of upper limb prosthetics designed to assist people with specific needs including a robot hand that works with quadriplegics, a...
Energy Harvesting from the Human Knee

Energy Harvesting from the Human Knee

As wearable health tech proliferates, the search for alternative power sources intensifies. The fast and easy answer for better energy sources for wearables, carryables, and implants is to build find more efficient batteries. However, the pace of new energy cell...
Smart Devices Detect Sounds of Cardiac Arrest

Smart Devices Detect Sounds of Cardiac Arrest

Wearable tech with sensors that monitor and report biometric data can help assess your current health, but devices with algorithms that detect life-threatening conditions could potentially save your life. The iBeat smartwatch app monitors heart activity to alert to...