Wearables Keep Workers Safer

Wearables Keep Workers Safer

One important aspect of keeping people healthy is to help them avoid injury, whether due to a specific physical trauma, or due to environmental factors. This is a key concern for companies whose employees are exposed to difficult working conditions; how can you tell...
1 Million Hours of Health Data

1 Million Hours of Health Data

While wearable Health Tech devices can help individuals directly, one big part of their potential is the creation of Big Data sets that can be mined for information that will benefit the population as a whole. The data from these connected devices is beginning to pile...
Supercapacitors Printed by Inkjet

Supercapacitors Printed by Inkjet

How do you power a wearable device? Most of them require electricity, which must be stored so that it is available when needed. But batteries are problematic. They can be bulky, rigid, and filled with messy liquids that can cause trouble if they leak. One promising...