Device Aims to Improve Sleep [video]

Device Aims to Improve Sleep [video]

Many devices are available on the market that claim to help track your sleep, including apps for your smartphone (if you’re willing to sleep with your phone). But as far as I know, none of them are designed to train you to sleep better. An Australian company has...
WaaS: Wellness as a Service

WaaS: Wellness as a Service

[Click on image for larger version] I recently came across an intriguing blog post in support of the HyperWellbeing conference to be held in November in Mountain View, California. While the conference itself sounds interesting, I was taken by a concept put forward in...
Displays as Sensors

Displays as Sensors

What if displays weren’t just another pretty face, something colorful and interesting to look at? What if they could also detect information from their surroundings? What if they had sensors built into them? The fact is that this is not a new concept; as early...