Contact Lens Kills Infection

Contact Lens Kills Infection

Eyes are sensitive organs, yet they are exposed to dust and germs on a daily basis. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), corneal infections are the cause of one in four cases of vision loss worldwide. Often, the cause is microbial keratitis, which can be...
Printed Nanowires Can Stretch

Printed Nanowires Can Stretch

In order for wearable devices to “disappear” into our daily lives, they must be flexible and conform to normal body movements. Standard metal wires are excellent at conducting electricity; while they typically are flexible to some degree, they tend to be...
FDA Approves Autism Diagnostic App

FDA Approves Autism Diagnostic App

We live in a remarkable time in which technology is advancing so rapidly that we cannot foresee all the implications of new devices as they appear. Who could have imagined that personal computers would lead to the “mining” of digital currency? Or that...