New Robotic Arm to Help Stroke Victims Recover

New Robotic Arm to Help Stroke Victims Recover

After neurological damage cause by stroke, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, or disease, patients often have learn how to control their bodies all over again. Swiss-based Hocoma is a world leader in robotic equipment designed to help with the physical...
AMA Helps Build Test Lab for Innovation

AMA Helps Build Test Lab for Innovation

Innovation doesn’t just happen. It requires lots of time and effort and experimentation to find a solution that works. As Thomas Edison said about his efforts to create a light bulb, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t...
Sensor-Shirts for Young Athletes

Sensor-Shirts for Young Athletes

Now kids can get the same beneifits of biometric tracking that professional athletes can. Hexoskin has announced their first “smart shirt” for kids and teens.1 We’ve covered Hexoskin in the past here at Health Tech Insider. The company’s shirts...