Most exoskeleton projects are designed to help people move, such as Stanford Biomechatronics Lab’s ankle exoskeleton and Watercraft’s Atalante robotic exoskeleton. The Tokyo-based Archelis exoskeleton helps users stand still. Archelis CEO Hideyuki originally conceived the product to “reduce the burden on doctors who perform surgery while standing for hours,” according to the company’s website. The company also targets factory personnel and anyone else who stands for long periods of time during the workday.
The Archelis exoskeleton works by balancing weight distribution. The lower body prosthetics support the wearer’s weight with the thighs and shins. With the Archelis, the user holds healthy standing posture by stabilizing the trunk, maintaining the spine’s S-shape, and holding the pelvis upright. The Archelis reduces the user’s weight load on the feet up to 50% and up to 33% on the lower back. According to an in-company study, the Archelis distributes the wearer’s weight approximately 20% on the thighs, 30% on the shins, and 50% on the feet. The Archelis also reduces erector spinae and calf gastrocnemius muscle activity by up to 41% while standing.
Wearer’s aren’t held captive by device’s weight or rigidity. The prosthetics weigh just under four pounds per leg and Archelis increased the devices’ flexibility in the latest version. Putting on the devices takes approximately 16 seconds and taking them off about 9 seconds.
The Archelis exoskeleton is available now in Japan, Europe, and North America.