Telemedicine adoption continues to accelerate as the COVID-19 pandemic keeps the pressure on strained healthcare systems. We are concerned about access to new forms of healthcare by elderly and disadvantaged populations who lack access or sufficient tech savviness to benefit from the new technologies. Telemedicine typically relies on biosensing wearable devices and smartphone apps; in many cases, these devices require Internet connectivity for communication between patients and healthcare professionals. Under an expanded program for chronically ill patients, Medicare Advantage plans now can cover non-medical expenses including internet connection costs.
The 2017-2018 CHRONIC Care Act for Medicare and Medicaid opened the door for supplemental benefits to cover certain non-medical costs related to healthcare. The acronym tells the story. CHRONIC stands for “Creating High-Quality Results and Outcomes Necessary to Improve Chronic” illnesses. The Act promotes high-quality care in the home, team-based care, and increasing use of innovation and technology including telehealth. The CHRONIC Care Act was expanded in 2020 to include additional Special Supplemental Benefits for the Chronically Ill (SSBCI). , ATI Advisory reported that, according to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) data, the number of Medicare and Medicaid plans that include SSBCI benefits grew from 267 plans in 2020 to 947 plans in 2021.
Two examples of Medicare Advantages plans with SSBCI benefits are Wellcare and Healthfirst. Wellcare is a Medicare brand of Centene Corporation. Wellcare’s Medicare Advantage plan SSBCI benefits for qualifying members include robotic companion pets, grocery delivery, service animal support, a home health care concierge service, and a flex card for utilities assistance. Eligible members can receive a Visa debit card that is loaded with $50 to $125 per month. They can then use this card to pay for utilities including Internet service. The benefit can also be used to pay for gas, electricity, water, sewer, cable TV, or other utility bills, so it isn’t only for Internet access, but it’s a start that recognizes Internet connectivity as a vital utility related to healthcare.
Healthfirst, an health insurance provider for New Yorkers, provides its Medicare Advantage plan members with a Healthfirst OTC Plus Card. Depending on the plan level, members can use the OTC Card to pay or help pay from $90 to $170 a month for over-the-counter health-related items, fitness equipment, and activity trackers, as well as home Internet service. One of the plans can also cover hearing aids and personal emergency response systems.
From our perspective, Medicare SSBCI benefits are a big deal because they lower one of the barriers for more effective and reliable telehealth services and remote patient monitoring. At the same time, assisting with Internet connectivity can help alleviate isolation and loneliness for seniors, and reduce other precursor factors for illness. We expect that Medicare Advantage programs will find SSBCI benefits well worth the investment.
It’s such a big help to Seniors lacking additional
Services. my Aunt is 102 with poor vision and needs a phone she can manage.
I’m on a fixed income and my wife is not working see just filed for disability income but you know how that goes.It might be months or nothing am 68 years old and retired. I could use some help thank you .Address is 3899 or us 1 moncure NC 27559
Lonzo, I am sorry to hear about your difficulties. If you are not already on a Medicare Advantage program, you might want to investigate the ones that are available in your area. They have their limitations and problems — they are essentially a Medicare HMO — but in many cases, they are available at no cost (as opposed to some of the premiums you have to pay with standard Medicare coverage). I am not an expert in this area, so I advise that you find someone who can provide advice. Check with your local senior centers or related services to see if they have anyone who can give you informed advice.
All the best,
Alfred Poor, Editor
Health Tech Insider
Would like to have help on paying for my internet
Patricia, if you already have a Medicare Advantage plan, see if your provider includes this benefit. If you are eligible for Medicare and are considering changing to a Medicare Advantage plan, I encourage you to get professional advice — perhaps from your insurance agent — about these plans because there can be a number of benefits but there are also pitfalls and limitations. Personally, I would not change to Medicare Advantage just to get help with Internet fees, but I recommend that you research the options thoroughly before you make any decisions. There are companies out there that are pushing Medicare Advantage plans aggressively, and they don’t appear to provide much information about their limitations.
All the best,
Alfred Poor, Editor
Health Tech Insider
can o pay for my internet with my OTC card?
As far as I know, OTC Network is not a Medicare Advantage program. Furthermore, not all Medicare Advantage programs offer this benefit. They are permitted to provide it, but are not required to.
All the best,
Alfred Poor, Editor
Health Tech Insider
I need to know how i pay me internet woth my otc card. They ate having difficulties figuring out how to do this
Please help. Im retired i have united health dual complete.
Patricia, as I understand it, OTC is not a Medicare Advantage program. Even if it is, the program is not obligated to help you pay for your Internet service. This is simply allowed by CMS, but not required. For details, contact your program’s customer support.
All the best,
Alfred Poor, Editor
Health Tech Insider