Constipation is a significant wellness problem for many people. According to a report published in the Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology, between 2% and 27% of the population suffer from chronic constipation, depending on how it is reported. Constipation is an uncomfortable fact of life for many people. Constipation is a physically and mentally “troublesome” condition that significantly interferes with wellness and quality of life. Many people avoid medical intervention. Even counting those who see their doctors, prescribed and over-the-counter medication is the most common treatment for constipation. The aggregate annual expense for enemas and laxatives is measured in hundreds of millions of dollars. The incidence of chronic constipation increases with age with the result that many elderly people live with a costly ongoing solution that negatively impacts their quality of life.
Enter Mowoot, an alternative to enemas and laxatives. Mowoot uses abdominal massage to stimulate intestinal transit. Developed in collaboration with Institut Guttmann, Mowoot is certified as a class IIa medical device by the European Union. Mowoot is not registered with the FDA at this time and therefore not for sale in the U.S. The massage belt connects to a controller pad that reproduces the abdominal massage performed by physiotherapists to facilitate transit. The procedure provides an assist to the body’s natural peristalsis: the rippling contractions that move the intestinal contents. According to the company, abdominal massage is the only solution for chronic constipation that works better over time. Most people cannot afford physiotherapist visits on a continuing basis, however, which is why Mowoot is offered as an alternative treatment.
Mowoot is sold with a two-month money back guarantee to give people a chance to try it daily for that period. Two months’ use should be enough to experience significant relief, according to Mowoot.