The stress and embarrassment of the unexpected sudden need for a bowel movement can be severe enough to keep people from leaving home or otherwise engaging in normal lifestyles.
Triple W is a tech company co-located in Tokyo and Los Altos, California. The company founder was caught in public one day with an unexpected bout of diarrhea which resulted in an uncontrolled bowel movement on the spot. From that uncomfortable and embarrassing incident, the company was founded with the goal of creating a product that would help people predict bowel movements.
That’s the origin of the D Free toilet timing wearable. The D Free wearable monitor detects changes in your abdomen via ultrasound. It attaches with adhesive tape directly to your abdomen. The monitor also can be fastened to a belt. When the monitor detects an imminent bowel movement it sends an alert via Bluetooth to a paired Smartphone. The goal is to give you plenty of time in advance to get to a bathroom. The D Free records every time you go to the bathroom. D Free stores the information and learns about your lifestyle and your body’s routines and reactions. The goal is to more accurate notifications in the future with even more lead time.
Triple W envisions D Free applications to be helpful for the elderly, people with disabilities, people who suffer from diarrhea attacks or constipation, and possibly potty training. D Free is still in development with no announced release date yet.