Many adults in the “sandwich generation” are taking care of their own children while also trying to help their elderly parents, many of whom are still living on their own in their own homes. A phone call a day does not provide a lot of information, and may not make it easy to detect small changes in health and lifestyle before they before they become serious problems. CarePredict hopes to address this issue with a new tracking device for seniors. The company is currently running a Fundable program for their Tempo project.
The system’s hardware is fairly simple. The individual wears a tracking watch on their wrist. This is then detected by beacons located throughout the home. The wearer’s location data is forward to the Cloud through a communications hub, where it is analyzed so that alerts and reports can be sent to family members on their smartphone or tablet. The software is designed to learn the wearer’s behavior patterns. It can detect if the person is spending more or less time in a given location. It can also detect other changes, such as whether it is taking the person longer to move from one location to another. It can even send a family member an alert if the person fails to wear the sensor.
The company has raised more than $3,000 towards its initial $10,000 goal. CarePredict hopes to ship its first products before the end of the year.