
Martin Kenwright built the successful gaming company Evolution Studios

As quoted in an article in the Liverpool Echo, Kenwright believes that “in five years, I fully expect memory aids to be as ubiquitous as hearing aids.” His concept for a “wearable second brain” for patients with memory issues. He points out that many treatments rely on prescription drugs; he envisions a wearable technology solution that could help patients remember what they are looking for. He is quiet about the details about the hardware and software at this point. He has been waiting for new low-power processors to come on the market that could make this new product feasible. (See “New Tiny Graphics Processors for Wearable Devices” for details about new developments in this arena.)

At this point, all we have to evaluate is the concept, but it is a compelling one. More than 5 million people are living with Alzheimer’s in the U.S. alone, and is estimated to cost the country US$214 billion in 2014. A device that could help make life easier for these patients and their caregivers would be a huge benefit to many.