In case you had any doubts about the potential for wearable Health Tech devices lowering healthcare costs, consider the new OptimaFit rewards program that Optima Health just introduced. By enrolling in a qualifying personal or family health insurance plan, subscribers can earn up to $275 in awards, including a FitBit fitness band.
The goal of the program is to help subscribers be more proactive about their health, including setting goals for exercise activities. Optima points out that participants do not have to be “in peak physical condition” to take part in the program; they simply have to take an active role in becoming more fit and adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Here is an insurance company is willing to give cash awards back to subscribers, and gives away fitness bands in order to help them increase their level of physical activity. Clearly, Optima sees a return on their investment with these devices as a way to cut their insured healthcare costs in the future. It’s an encouraging sign that the potential benefits of these devices are being given serious consideration by large corporations, which is likely to give the entire industry a significant boost.