by Bruce Brown | July 12, 2021 | Health
Consumer health and wellness reference monolith WebMD recently announced that the information-as-a-service company acquired ADDitude. We don’t mean WebMD is getting haughty. ADDitude is an information reference, support, and encouragement resource for people who...
by Bruce Brown | April 11, 2018 | General News, Health
Massive numbers of people use the Internet to research and often self-diagnose physical and medical symptoms. “Patients’ Use of the Internet for Medical Information,” presented in May 2000 at the 23rd annual meeting of the Society of General Internal...
by Alfred Poor | September 23, 2014 | Health, Medical
A new survey by online health site WebMD and its Medscape program for healthcare professionals find that doctors and patients are largely in agreement over the use of Health Tech devices. Now, the doctors surveyed were all part of the Medscape system, and all the...