Electronic Skin Glows Under Pressure

Electronic Skin Glows Under Pressure

Scientists have created electronic robot skins that can detect a puff of air. But whack that same robot with a 2-by-4 and the skin reacts the same as if it were a gentle breeze. That’s a problem because robots or prostheses wearers need to know when a touch is...
First Ingestible Sensor Gets FDA Go-Ahead

First Ingestible Sensor Gets FDA Go-Ahead

Patient compliance remains a significant challenge to optimal clinical outcomes. Whether the healthcare plan includes nutritional recommendations, exercise, physical therapy, bed rest, or simply taking medication, getting patients to follow through and consistently...
Study Finds Load Impacts Amputees, Prosthesis

Study Finds Load Impacts Amputees, Prosthesis

Research at the University of North Carolina shows lower-limb amputees could benefit from load-adaptive wearable robotics. While multiple studies examine the ways powered devices help amputees walk on level ground, few delve into the effects of real-world challenges...