New Process Creates Low-Cost Electronic Patches

New Process Creates Low-Cost Electronic Patches

Wearables have found a niche in healthcare. It seems that every day, a new device or monitor is announced that has a health application. They are becoming thinner, lighter, and easier to use as well as more accurate with their readings. One of the latest announcement...
Smart Water Bottle Tracks Your Hydration

Smart Water Bottle Tracks Your Hydration

Okay, I’m just going to come right out and say it; just because you can make something doesn’t always mean that you should. Here is a “smart” water bottle that helps track your fluid consumption and your hydration needs. Do we really need a $50...
French Device Measures Body Composition

French Device Measures Body Composition

For the record, superlatives in marketing materials instantly trigger my Skept-o-Meter. It’s rare that a company can truly lay claim to being “first” or “best” or “only.” So I almost stopped reading the press release about the...