by Bruce Brown | October 18, 2016 | General News, Health
Most of the Health Tech we write about, especially the wearable devices, use biometric sensors to measure, track, and report individual metrics. Some devices monitor one measure, such as blood glucose, body temperature, or heart rate. Other units use multiple sensors...
by Bruce Brown | October 3, 2016 | General News, Health
Humans survive and even thrive in an astoundingrange of environmental conditions. The air we breathe tops the list of significant factors that affect wellness and quality of life. Because we adapt so quickly to new smells, light levels, and, to a lesser extent,...
by Alfred Poor | August 12, 2016 | General News, Health
One important aspect of keeping people healthy is to help them avoid injury, whether due to a specific physical trauma, or due to environmental factors. This is a key concern for companies whose employees are exposed to difficult working conditions; how can you tell...
by Bruce Brown | June 2, 2016 | General News, Health
For many people, the coming and going of various allergy “seasons” can be periodic annoyances. For asthmatics, however, attacks can be debilitating and traumatic, especially when attacks come by surprise. According to the latest (2014) figures on asthma...
by Alfred Poor | February 25, 2016 | Enabling Tech, General News
Sticky notes, aluminum foil, sponges, tape: it sounds like the recipe for a MacGyver escape device, but it’s not. In a field dominated by high-tech processes and painstakingly-engineered materials, a group of researchers have come up with a low cost design for...