by Alfred Poor | June 17, 2019 | Fitness, Health
One of my recurring themes is that the focus of health and fitness tracking is rapidly shifting from personal choice to employers, insurers, and healthcare systems. This change is driven by the fact that these corporate entities are the ones that stand to benefit...
by Alfred Poor | October 8, 2018 | General News, Health
As the smartwatch market matures, it should not be a surprise that the products are starting to differentiate. Different feature sets will appeal to different market segments, and manufacturers hope to establish a niche for their products. One niche market for...
by Alfred Poor | September 11, 2018 | General News, Health
You are probably aware of the late night television commercials in which an elderly person is on the floor, calling “Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” This is the rallying cry of the personal emergency response system (PERS) companies, who...
by Bruce Brown | January 25, 2018 | General News, Health
Single-purpose wrist, pendant, or pin-on emergency alert devices have been available for decades. Smartwatches paired with smartphones running health and wellness apps are commonplace. In a further step for wearable alert products, Shenzhen-based mobile device...
by Alfred Poor | August 1, 2017 | Enabling Tech, General News
Family members and caregivers are concerned about monitoring and tracking both the elderly and children. Wireless technology can provide a way to keep tabs on loved ones even when they are not in sight. Wearable devices can provide location information, but these...