by Bruce Brown | July 17, 2020 | Enabling Tech
What do penicillin, microwave ovens, pacemakers, Silly Putty, LSD, The Slinky, Post-It notes, X-rays, and inkjet printers have in common? They were all discovered by accident, usually by scientists investigating or intent on inventing something completely different....
by Bruce Brown | February 5, 2020 | Enabling Tech
The search for efficient power sources for wearables and Internet of Things (IoT) devices takes many directions. In the past, we’ve written about technology that harvests energy from knee movement, sunlight, nanotube yarn, and more. Scientists at the Electronics...
by Bruce Brown | January 22, 2020 | Enabling Tech
We are fascinated by energy-harvesting technologies. When we read or hear about new continuous-monitoring biometric sensing wearables and medical implants, one of the first questions that come to mind is, “OK, but what’s the power source?” Frequent...
by Bruce Brown | March 27, 2019 | Enabling Tech
In 2014 market tracking firm IHS predicted rapid growth in wearable displays, with an upsurge that would start in 2018. At the time the group bullet-pointed three challenges: good outdoor visibility, low power consumption, and flexible form factors. We’ve...
by Bruce Brown | March 22, 2019 | Enabling Tech
Harvesting energy is a win in just about any application. In wearable health tech, however, energy harvesting should sit at the top of a developer’s wish lists. If users need to refuel, plug in, or recharge the technology that they wear, carry, or implant, they...