by Alfred Poor | May 19, 2016 | General News, Health
Smartwatches continue to struggle to find their place in the consumer electronics market. One possible reason is that people have not yet found the “killer app” that makes them essential in our daily lives. Omate hopes to fill the needs of a niche market...
by Alfred Poor | April 19, 2016 | Enabling Tech, General News
One of the simplest functions of a wearable device is to simply announce “I am here.” Yet this simple operation can have a wide range of practical applications. Attached to a car or other valuable object, it can tell you where to find it if it is misplaced...
by Alfred Poor | April 5, 2016 | General News, Health
For better or worse, smartphones have changed the social landscape. They provide easy access to communications, information, and other useful functions. Seniors cannot always take advantage of these features, due to small buttons or touch areas, confusing user...
by Bruce Brown | December 31, 2015 | General News, Health
[Image credit: IntelFreePress] While there are no universally accepted annual rates of cardiac arrest on the global level, one group estimates approximately 7 million incidents annually, with 50,000 in France alone. The latest (2015) American Heart Association...
by Bruce Brown | December 29, 2015 | General News, Health, Medical
As many as 50 million people in the United States suffer from asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). With both conditions, airways swell and obstruct breathing. Patients typically carry inhalers that they use when their airways start to close. These...