by Alfred Poor | October 10, 2018 | General News, Health
One of the holy grails of wearable health tech is an optical sensor that can measure blood pressure accurately. Many companies are working toward such a solution, but for now, the most reliable results still come from devices that use a pressure cuff to restrict blood...
by Bruce Brown | June 12, 2018 | General News, Health
Many new health tech devices employ new or unconventional sensor technologies to track biometrics. Validating a new measurement device against the current gold standard for the given metric is health tech grail. We’ve written about a range of blood pressure...
by Bruce Brown | June 30, 2017 | General News, Health
In Spring 2016 Finnish communications giant Nokia bought French health tech pioneering company Withings. Nokia’s then-President Ramzi Haidamus stated in a press release that Withings would run the digital health business. No brand name decisions or changes were...
by Alfred Poor | June 1, 2017 | General News, Medical
The more we know — and the sooner we know it — about our health, the faster and more accurate diagnoses will be, and treatments will be more effective. This should lead to better outcomes and lower costs. And the data keeps pouring in to prove this. One of...
by Alfred Poor | February 16, 2017 | General News, Health
One of the key health indicators is blood pressure. It used to be that you had to go to a doctor’s office or clinic to get it measured, but now you can choose from a host of home blood pressure devices, some of which are even “connected” so that they...