by Bruce Brown | January 12, 2023 | Health
Previous Health Tech Insider coverage of navigation wearables included augmented reality (AR) glasses and a smart backpack. Both technologies focused on helping blind and limited-vision people navigate streets. At CES 2023 this year, Tokyo-based Loovic inc. introduced...
by Bruce Brown | June 12, 2019 | Health
Augmented reality (AR) is one of the more successful technologies applied to health and medical applications. Virtual reality in its current state is costly, location limited, plus it makes people dependent and occasionally nauseous. AR is an additive technology, with...
by Alfred Poor | October 31, 2016 | General News, Health
Robots can recognize objects. Robots can detect obstacles in their path. Why can’t we use technology to provide intelligent sight to the vision impaired? That’s the idea behind Horus, a new system currently in the prototype stage developed by Eyra LTD....
by Bruce Brown | October 6, 2016 | General News, Health
Deaf people miss out not just on spoken conversation but on a wide range of sound in their surroundings and the environment. Fujitsu Limited has a vision of a new technology to help deaf people sense and relate to sounds in the world and in their lives. Ontenna, an...
by Alfred Poor | October 3, 2015 | General News, Health
One of the key functions for humans is communication. When you lack one or more of your senses, such as the ability to hear sounds, communications can become a great deal more challenging. People who can’t hear often learn sign language, in which hand gestures...