Remote Baby Thermometer [video]

Remote Baby Thermometer [video]

It’s disconcerting — to say the least — when one of your children is sick. As I’m typing this, one of our kids is home sick and we’re all concerned about her, even though she’s an adult and lives 750 miles away. I remember when our...
Wearable Personal Posture Coach [video]

Wearable Personal Posture Coach [video]

Do you have forward neck? I do. It’s also called forward posture or sometimes text neck. This condition is common among people who read and increasingly so with folks who spend lots of time using computers or craned over smartphones and tablets. Forward head is...
Personal Laser Hair Loss Treatment [video]

Personal Laser Hair Loss Treatment [video]

Full disclosure here: I’m a male. Like 70% of males overall, I have male pattern baldness with a receding hairline and thinning on the temples and top of my head. I am fortunate because my hair loss is a result of testosterone in my system, which is a natural...
Implantable Kidney Replacement [video]

Implantable Kidney Replacement [video]

According a report from The National Kidney Foundation in 2012, it costs $87 billion a year to care for patients with kidney disease, not counting medication. With more than 100,000 kidney donors on the list for transplants, last year only about 17,000 patients...