Multifunction Health and Fitness Wearable

Multifunction Health and Fitness Wearable

Paradigm shifts often have ripple effects. Most wearable fitness and health devices are easily separated by category. On Health Tech Insider, we write about health-centric technology, usually but not restricted to wearables. Our sister site Wearable Tech Insider...
Pulsing Wearable Relieves Pain [video]

Pulsing Wearable Relieves Pain [video]

Pain is a real pain. Dr. Albert Schweitzer said, “Pain is a more terrible lord of mankind than even death itself.” Approximately one in four American have suffered pain that lasts longer than 24 hours, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, and...
Pacemaker Powered by Microwaves

Pacemaker Powered by Microwaves

  Implanted pacemakers have helped millions of people since Wilson Greatbatch accidentally invented them in the 1950s while building a device to record the sounds of a working heart. At that time heart pacemakers were huge external devices and often shocked...