Battery-free UV Sensor Fits Fingernail

Battery-free UV Sensor Fits Fingernail

We’ve covered wearables that detect UV exposure several times. The positive correlation between UV overexposure and skin cancer prompts some people to cover up or slather themselves with sunscreen while others choose to stay out of the sun as much as possible....
Another Wearable Health Tech Design Contest

Another Wearable Health Tech Design Contest

A popular way to encourage the development of new wearable Health Tech devices is to hold a design contest. One of the latest is from Texas Instruments (TI), which calls on designers to come up with devices that make use of near-field communication (NFC) technology....
CES 2015: Tap for the Temperature [video]

CES 2015: Tap for the Temperature [video]

Having a sick child is no fun. Struggling with a child in order to get a temperature reading is no fun, either, but you need to get the information in order to make decisions about home treatment or about consulting a healthcare professional. Vivalnk is a company that...