Edible Robots Could Use Gelatin

Edible Robots Could Use Gelatin

As the old advertising campaign used to say, “There’s always room for Jello.” Who knew that this slogan could have been predicting the future of surgery and other medical procedures? Scientists at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in...
Smart Pill Delivers Drugs Where Needed [video]

Smart Pill Delivers Drugs Where Needed [video]

Drugs are one of the many miracles of modern medicine; they can provide safe and effective treatment for a wide range of conditions ranging from a simple headache to a life-threatening illness. One problem is that the different parts of the body have totally different...
Head-Wearable Device Detects Diabetes Early

Head-Wearable Device Detects Diabetes Early

One of the problems with diabetes is that patients can develop autonomic neuropathy. This means that the nerves that control the automatic body systems — such as heart beats or digestion — become progressively impaired. The problem is that this can be...