According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 100 million adults in the U.S. are now living with diabetes or prediabetes. With a health problem this enormous, improvements in treatment are of critical importance. Insulin therapy is one treatment option, but it is often ineffective because insulin management can be complex and time-consuming. Some patients must use multiple medications, called poly-therapy, adding to the burden for patients, insurers, and the healthcare system.

Hygieia, a company that creates insulin therapy solutions, has launched the d-Nav Insulin Guidance Service to help alleviate this challenge. The d-Nav Service combines smart cloud-based technology and a small team of healthcare professionals to provide support to primary care physicians to help diabetics achieve improved health. The company recently shared findings from a Health Economic Evaluation of the d-Nav Insulin Guidance Service. The evaluation, conducted in collaboration with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM), found that the d-Nav Service improves insulin use among people with type 2 diabetes, leading to meaningful cost savings. The savings resulted from optimizing combination therapy related to glycemic medications. Additional medications to supplement insulin therapy can cost in excess of $400 per month. Participants in the evaluation used the d-Nav Service; a total of 192 patients with type 2 diabetes completed the first 90 days. Prior to the study, around 30 percent of participants had been prescribed costly glycemic medications as part of their treatment plan. Results from the evaluation show that the d-Nav Service minimized the need for multiple medications, while also reducing HbA1c (a glycated hemoglobin test, which indicates the level of blood sugar) by an average of 1.7 percentage points within 90 days. Nearly 90% were eligible for a medication review that led to an average savings of nearly $1,800 per year. For those with complex poly-therapy medications, the average savings was more than $6,000 per year.

From these results, the company predicts that a healthcare system with 10,000 patients could save nearly $62 million just from medication optimization. (It does not include the savings that result from better glucose level management for patients.) Making insulin therapy less costly and easier to navigate will lead to better health for millions with diabetes. The d-Nav Service demonstrated medication cost savings, improved glycemic control, and patient satisfaction, making it a welcome advance in the treatment of a disease that affects so many.