The wearables market is growing rapidly, not just for Health Tech products but for fitness applications and more. As someone who tracks this business, I can tell you that it’s a challenge to stay up to date on all the available choices. Fortunately, there’s a free online reference that can help you stay informed about the different products on the market.

Vandrico maintains a free online database of wearable products; according to the website, it currently lists 424 different devices from 266 different companies. You can search the database in a number of useful ways. First, you can simply click on the image of a human body to select the area of interest. You can also get a list of products in alphabetical order. And you can also search directly for a term or name if you know what you are looking to find. When you look at the record for a specific product, the page gives relative scores for factors such as benefits, connectivity, and features. It also lists similar items. Since Vandrico is focused on industrial and enterprise applications for wearables, the page also lists workplace applications and applicable industries.

The database is not comprehensive, but it’s an excellent place to start if you’re looking to explore a category of Health Tech wearables, it can be a great place to begin your search.