June UV bracelet

With changing lifestyles, consumers tend to stay indoors for more hours. And when they are outdoors they lather up in sunscreen lotions to avoid various skin ailments including aging and cancer. Sunscreen lotions with various SPF strengths are available in the market to protect consumers’ skin from excessive sunrays. What consumers don’t know is which one is the most ideal sunscreen for them and when to use it.

June by Netatmo is a wrist worn wearable Health Tech device that teaches consumers how to precisely protect their skin and enhance thier anti-aging and whitening beauty routines. JUNE’s UVA and UVB sensors measure precisely sun exposure. The companion smartphone app computes the data and gives UV index. June measures sun exposure throughout the day and provide users with real-time advice via the app on how to protect themselves from the sun. Further using the exposure history, users can analyze their sun exposure during various outdoor activities and change habits to ensure the best possible protection for their skin. Based on your location, June can provide you with everyday update on UV index with advise on what would be needed – hat, sunglasses, sunscreen etc. French jewelry designer Camille Toupet designed the device and it looks like a cut diamond; it’s fashion forward with a purpose.

June is available via its own webpage as well as at a discounted price on Amazon.