
We have often written about the need for security in handling personal data, and Health Tech information in particular. This is important for reasons ranging from the prevention of identity theft to compliance with regulations such as HIPAA. Ideally, the entire chain of data collection, transmission, and access will be secured at every step, which means that it must start with the wearable device itself. Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers have introduced a variety of solutions from facial and voice recognition to fingerprint and retina scans, but these approaches all have their limitations. EyeVerify has a convenient software solution based on scanning your eyes.

The Eyeprint ID system relies on images of your eyes, taken with same user-facing camera that you would use to take a selfie. The system maps the tiny blood vessels in the whites of your eyes, which are unique as a fingerprint. According to the company, a recent showed that the system is 99.99% accurate, which is far better than facial or voice recognition technologies. It is also far less susceptible to “spoofing” by substituting a print or recording of the legitimate user’s face or voice. It even works if you’re wearing glasses. The system is compatible with a wide range of devices, ZTE, Vivo, and Alcatel have all announced that they will include the technology in one or more smartphone models. Even banking giant Wells Fargo has invested in the company through its Startup Accelerator program.

Just looking at your device to unlock it is simple and convenient. It’s easy to see how this technology could also be adapted to a wearable Health Tech device, simply by adding a relatively low-cost digital camera (if one is not already included). This simple approach could be the first step in making sure that a user’s Health Tech data remains secure from the moment that it is generated.